(Jesus said): Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. ~ Matthew 5:9
If we have no peace it is because we have forgotten we blong to each other. ~ Mother Teresa
The Jewish word for "peace" is Shalom. A Shalom peace is a peace that is one of total well-being. It is a peace that is both communal and personal.
As we think about peace this Advent that idea might be the one that ties it all up together. Peace is not fully peace until we are all at peace.
How can I be at peace if my neighbor is not?
How can I be at peace when people are burdened, discriminated against, and treated violently and unjustly?
How can I be at peace when bombs are killing innocents and destroying homes?
How can I be at peace when so many don't have a place to lay their heads?
I am called to be a maker of peace.
And when I do make peace, I will find blessing there. I will remember who I am: child of God.
A child born for peace-making.
May I be a maker of peace. May we all be makers of peace. May the world be granted your peace. Amen