In those days Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan. ~ Mark 1:9

Did Jesus need to be baptized?
I'm sure we'd all say no. Jesus didn't need John's baptism of repentance.
And yet, Jesus submitted to this. Jesus begins his ministry making this transition - receiving a baptism that will cross him over into the new phase of his life.
He will not be the same from this moment forward.
Our baptisms are transitions as well. In them we cross over into God's family. We enter into the a communion of saints. We are part of the One.
What does it mean to you that Jesus was baptized?
Do you ever think about your baptism? When was it?
How has your baptism impacted your life?
Thank you Jesus for your solidarity with us. Help me to live into my baptismal call today and every day. Amen